Sustainable Travel Finland – responsible and sustainable tourism behind it all
Pohjolan Matka has joined in the Sustainable Travel Finland -program and received STF-label. Companies that have received the STF label are committed to responsible and sustainable tourism. This will be demonstrated through a seven-step program – the development path – at each stage of which various plans and actions required for sustainable tourism and its promotion have been verified. The development path recognises the following needs: commitment, knowhow, development plan, action plan, responsible communication and the acquired ISO 14001 certificate. The goals set by the program must be benchmarked and quantifiable. We monitor our responsibility in three different areas: societal, social and environmental responsibilities. The goals should be linked to the various global sustainable travel programs in which Finland participates. These include the United Nations Agenda 2030 and Global Compact programs.
Pohjolan Matka has set goals in its sustainability program across various areas of sustainability, which are also applied in the Sustainable Travel Finland program. A materiality analysis has been conducted as the foundation for these goals. You can find more detailed goals by area or type in our new sustainability program our main sustainability page. Below are the goals summarized as sustainability promises, which outline the focus of each area and what is being aimed for.
Promise of societal responsibility:
By focusing on continuous acquisition of new customers, we ensure the growth trajectory of our revenue, which allows us to achieve positive operating results and maintain a strong equity ratio.
Promise of social responsibility:
Our satisfied and well-trained staff enables customer satisfaction and the positive development of our brand.
Promise of environmental responsibility:
At the core of our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint are addressing drivers’ driving habits and unnecessary idling, as well as increasingly using buses that comply with Euro 6 standards, not forgetting the increase of our waste recycling rate.
We work towards fulfilling these goals and promises through distinct subgoals and action plans derived from the main objectives.
Read more about the program he .
Pohjolan Matka co-operates with Visit Karelia in North Karelia. Read more about Pohjolan Matka and its sustainability from Visit Karelia’s website.